Sunday, May 5, 2013

Piece of my heart!

Yesterday was a day filled with emotion. I took a trip down memory lane to a place that has a piece of my heart. Cache Valley holds so many of my most precious memories. It is where I went when I first left home and is where I matured from a young high school senior to a more mature wife, this place is where I grew up, where I met some of my best friends and where I met and fell in love with my husband, it is where we were married and began our lives together. Today I visited a place I try to avoid because it brings me to tears. That place is Utah State. When I woke up this morning I knew today would be hard. I have missed Utah State since the day I left. The emotions began when I saw a friend and old roommate. Seeing her reminded me of my college/single life. While I do not miss being single I miss the people I was surrounded by when I was single. I miss waking up everyday to the cool cache valley air and getting on the packed shuttle that smelled of wet dog and sweaty boy. I miss walking on USU's campus with the leaves/snow crunching under my feet. I miss sitting in the TSC waiting for Alex to get out of class and most of all I miss the simplicity of my life. The years I spent there were the most care free years of my life. I would never change the life I have now for the life I had then, but I do miss it. And a small part of me longs to be that care free girl again. I may never call Logan home again but it was my home for three great years and it will always hold a place in my heart. As I walked through the empty campus pushing my son in the stroller I couldn't help but feel emotional. This place changed me and it helped make me the person I am today. My eyes filled with tears as I realized how much I missed it. I sat on a bench I have sat on many times. I sat there thinking back on all the good times I had there, and the people I met there. I could picture myself as a young freshman and how scared I was my first morning, I pictured myself walking through campus all bundled with frozen nose hairs. I pictured myself napping on the quad and As I walked back to my car with my sweet son in toe. I hoped with all my heart that Owen would someday come to love this place as much as I do. The Bilodeau's are Aggies for life!

My favorite building on campus!
Such a pretty campus.
Each of these holds memories!
While I hated this apartment, it also hold many of my best memories!
Where Alex kissed me for the 1st time!
Our first home as a married couple.

Logan Temple where Alex and I were married.

Some of the best people I have ever met, I met in Logan!
Alex Bilodeau
Mindy Thornly
Katie Bowdidge
Whitney Morgan
Ashley Cabrales
And some of the randoms I met along the way!

My future little Aggie!