This week I had a bit of a scare with Owen and almost had to call 911. It made me think of all the things I wasn't prepared for and wasn't told about when I became a mom. I compiled a list of 10 things that I wasn't told and had to learn through my own experience.
1. I don't know why I didn't realize this before hand, but after you give birth your body really really hurts. I was not prepared for this at all. I knew giving birth would hurt and that is why you get an epidural but no one told me how much you hurt when the epidural wears off.
2. Something could go wrong. No one told me that something could wrong during delivery. I was blind sided when my delivery didn't go exactly as planned.
3. Breast feeding is NOT easy. As natural and amazing as it is, it is anything but easy. (for most) I always thought that breast feeding came naturally to most woman, but when I decided it wasn't for me and my son, I realized that it isn't easy for most women and takes a lot of commitment and work and then even after all that work sometimes it still doesn't work out. No one told me that it wouldn't come naturally or that it wouldn't come at all. For a long time I felt like I was a bad mom for not breast feeding my son, but the more moms I talked to the more I realized I was not alone.
4. No matter how you raise your child someone will always have an opinion and something to say. No one told me that people I don't even know would try and tell me how to raise my son. And put in their opinion on things they think I am doing wrong.
5. No one told me that even if you dress your son in all blue with a football helmet on, or you put your daughter in bright pink with 12 bows across her head, some crazy person will call your daughter a boy or your son a girl.
6. No one told me that it is inevitable that your child will CHOKE and you will panic and forget any CPR training you have ever had. This experience is what made me write this post and after talking to other moms I found that I am not a bad mom for letting this happen and that it happens to every mom at some point.
7. No one told me that after I left the hospital I wouldn't be the same size I was before pregnancy. This is something they should drill into your head while you are pregnant and not only will you not be the same size right after but that your body WILL NEVER be the same. I don't care if you are the skinniest person, before, after and during pregnancy. There is just something that happens to your body and it will never be the same.
8. No one told me that I would never sleep like a teenager ever again. After having a child you can wake to the sound of a pin drop. When you're pregnant you don't sleep because you can't get comfortable but after you can't sleep because you're afraid something will happen to your child while you're asleep.
9. No one told me that my time would never be my own again. After you have a child you plan everything you do around your children. When they eat, when they need a nap... And everything you do take 100 times longer than it ever did before. Running into the post office takes 10 minutes instead of 3 because you have to get them out of the car seat and back into the car.
10. No one told me that I could love someone so much. I never thought it was possible to love someone so much that I could kill for them. But after having a child you will know that nothing would stop you from protecting them.
Motherhood is the hardest job I have ever had but also the best. I just wish there was some parenting class out there that would prepare you for any possible thing that happens in your child life. I know not possible but I still wish.