Alex and I first met at a football game at Utah state. In September 2010. That day was a rushed meeting and we had no clue that we could meet again let alone be married less than a year later. We met at USU's homecoming game and at most exchanged a hello nice to meet you and he was gone. My friend Whitney and I went to the game with a bunch of Alex's friends and sat and hung out with them for the game and most of the night after the game. Alex however thought he was far too cool and didn't sit with us at the game and didn't want to hang out with us after. Thus why I concluded we would never really meet.
Through out the next couple of months we would meet a handful of times through us handing out with his friends. This whole time I never knew him, hung out with him or really talked to him. I only knew him as Riley's friend doodle... Yes doodle. From September to November I thought his real name was Kevin. I will never know how I came up with that. Around November we had our first real conversation. We sat in Utah states student center and discussed that his name was not Kevin and then he made me guess his real name. After about a half hour we went our separate ways and never thought anything of it. During thanksgiving break his friend Riley asked me on a date little did I know this would lead me to marry his best friend. Needless to say Riley and I did not work out. After our date we realized we were better off just friends. A couple days later later Riley was sitting on my bed and we were talking about girls he liked and about the boy I had just broken up with. I was telling him how I had tickets to the motab Christmas concert and now had no one to go with. He offered to go with me but I could tell he wasn't that excited to go on another one on one date. And told me of I couldn't find anyone else he would go with me. At that exact moment he got a call from "doodle". As he talked I had this random thought to ask HIM to the concert. I truly believe this was inspired because I had hardly met this kid and knew nothing about him. But I asked Riley if he thought "doodle" might want to go with me. With a strange look he said he thought he might. It's really sad to text a guy and have to explain who you are and ask of he remembers you. But I did it anyway and he said of course he remembered me. I later found out he thought I was Whitney and thought Whitney was me...and he had to look me up on Facebook. I asked him to the concert and he said he would go. It wasn't for a couple weeks so a coulpe day later he asked me to go on a predate to get hot chocolate. I was really nervous that I wasn't going to like him and then I would have to endure another date with him, since I had already asked him to the concert. But we say drinking hot chocolate and talking forever. It was like we had known each other forever! I remember thinking when we left Starbucks that I didn't want to go home and he must have read my mind because he asked if I wanted to watch a movie so away we went to his friend kellens house... Little did I know that kellen didn't live at kellens house anymore because he was married so we watched a movie at kellens parents house. Which was... Strange. After that first date we were pretty much inseparable. Since that day we have either hung out or talked on the phone. It didnt take me long to realize that i wanted to spend forever with him. We started dating in November and we were engaged by February. I always said I wasn't going to be that typical young Mormon girl who got married super fast. But I guess it really is true that when you know you know. I am so grateful for Alex and how hard he works for our little family. I am so lucky to have him. Happy 2 year to us!!
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