I was inspired tonight while reading a friends blog. The last three months have been without a doubt the best months of my life and have been filled with more love than I could have ever imagined. But in these months I have had a hard time loving myself and have been so hard on myself. I am usually pretty hard on myself but these last months I am constantly comparing myself and telling myself I am not good enough and I'm not doing enough as a wife and mother. While reading my friends blog I realized that while I have been comparing myself there is someone else out there that feels the pressure of motherhood just like I do and it's okay. It's ok that for the last week I haven't put make up on once, it's okay that my laundry pile is so big I could swim in it, it's okay that I haven't lost any baby weight and it's okay that sometimes I miss a shower because I'm too exhausted. So today is the day I am taking a vow to love myself a little more and to make improvements everyday to make loving myself a little easier. Starting today I will not look in the mirror and belittle myself, I will no longer let myself feel intimidated by those I think are better than me. Today I will be more positive and confident. And on the days I am feeling low I will do my best to keep my head held high and smile through it. Because I'm worth it and loving myself allows me to love others more. Thank you Rachel for being an answer to prayers and helping me to see that imperfect is okay and I am not alone.
I hate selfie pictures but here is one anyway! So here's to me and learning to love myself against the odds!
I love you short!! I am getting this point recently as well. That really its got to just be okay that I am a mom and get to busy and overwhelmed sometimes. But I do think its important that we take times to get ready and feel like we are not just grungy moms sometimes but that day is not today for me haha Love ya!