My mom, sister, Owen and I got to go on a little girls to trip to Arizona for a couple days. It was so nice to get out of this cold weather and enjoy some days by the pool. Owen did not think that the pool was all that great, ok he hated it, but it was nice to sit with my feet in the water and enjoy the warm weather. He did love that it was warm outside and he got to just hang out with out pants on. He loves anytime he doesn't have to wear pants.
Enjoying the nice weather at the pool! |
Shorts, sandals and shades! |
Love hanging out at the Mesa Temple! |
On March 25 Owen turned two months. I can't believe he is already two months (now almost three). He is getting so big and is so much fun to watch. I think he gets bigger everyday. He is now laughing and smiling all the time.
Weight: 12.9 lbs
Height: 24 inches
Clothes: He now wears 3-6 months or 6 months.
Eats: formula and rice cereal
Sleeps: 9 PM to 6 AM
Naps: about an hour every two hours.
He now sleeps in his bassenet!! YEAH!!!
Likes: his dad, bath time, singing 5 Little Ducks and 5 Little Monkeys, sitting in the bumbo, being carried in the baby backpack, going on walks in the stroller and being the center of attention.
The day we brought him home and at two months! |
First time not sleeping in his carseat at night! |
Lovin his duck and Bumbo! |
Owen got his first set of shots. I was so nervous, I had to take him by myself because Alex had to work. I felt so bad for the kid. He was in such a good mood and talking and laughing and then bam instant screaming. Poor kid! I was so proud of myself. I held back the tears even though I really wanted to cry because I felt so bad. He hated the nurse after and gave her the dirtiest look. It was so funny. He only cried for about a minute and then he was totally fine and fell asleep after a nice yummy dose of Tylenol. The rest of the day he was his happy playful self. I think the whole experience was worse for me then it was for him. The worst thing was they didn't have one of the five shots so he had to go back the next day. I felt so bad for the little squish but he didn't even cry! He was so tough!
Before shots! Poor kid had no idea what was coming! |
Got a cute little scooby do band aid! |
Happy little fella right after! |
Owen celebrated his first Easter! Obviously he found it super exciting being only two months old and all. He did get to meet the Easter Bunny, I am sure next year he won't be as happy in the picture. We decided since he has no idea what is going on for holidays being this little we wouldn't do an Easter basket but my mom did get him a cute duck and frog that squeek and he loves them! Easter sunday was the first Sunday little man went to church. I had him in a cute little easter church outfit and he slept through all of sacrament and then decided with ten minutes left that he would wake up screaming so... we left! Needless to say no one saw the cute Easter outfit.
Ready for Easter Sunday! |
Seeing the Easter Bunny! |
he is so cute and I want to squish him. I can not believe how long he is. Seriously as long as my 9 month old almost! He is going to be so tall!!