I am so lucky to have such talented people in my life! I have two amazing photographers take pictures for me in the last couple weeks and I love all the pictures. KC Photography(Kyra Cummings) did Owens newborn pictures and she did an awesome job even though Owen was a little stinker the whole time! He was not a big fan of having his pictures taken and would not fall asleep like we wanted him to, but as soon as we left he slept for pretty much the rest of the day. He is such a stinker. Kyra has been one of my good friends since 2nd grade and it is so fun so see how much our lives have changed. It is so strange that we have kids of our own now. Radiance Photography (Rachel Humphreys) did our family pictures. We have a fun connection with Rachel too. Alex and her husband Kellen have been friends for a long time as well and played soccer together in high school. It is so fun to see our friends all grown up and having kids. Thank you again to both of my amazing photographers! WE LOVE YOU GUYS!!!
Love him.